Mathline : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika <p>Mathline : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, a national journal, provides a forum for publishing the original research articles, review articles from contributors, and the novel technology news related to mathematics and mathematics education that published four times a year: February, May, August, and November (Starting from <strong>2023)</strong>. Scientific articles dealing with realistic mathematics education, design research, development research, etc. are particularly welcome. The journal encompasses research articles, original research report, reviews, short communications and scientific commentaries in mathematics or mathematics education. All papers submitted to the journal should be written in Indonesian or English. The official language of the manuscript to be published in Mathline is Indonesian or English. Mathline : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, has ISSN published by LIPI. p-ISSN:2502-5872. e-ISSN: 2622-3627</p> Universitas Wiralodra en-US Mathline : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika 2502-5872 Implementation of Game-Based Learning (GBL) with Kahoot! in Encouraging Active Learning on Statistics <p>Good understanding is a fundamental aspect of learning, and it involves the active participation of students. In one school in Karawaci, there were problems with learning activities, such as sleepy students who focused on devices, tended to ask or answer passively, and did not do assignments or discuss. In response to this, teachers play a role in presenting learning that helps students, namely through varied and exciting teaching by implementing Game-Based Learning (GBL) assisted by Kahoot! This study aimed to show the extent to which Kahoot-assisted GBL! Can encourage active learning and describe its application in encouraging active learning in statistical material. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed an increase in learning activity after the implementation of Kahoot!-assisted GBL, from 42.4% to 71.3%. This success is supported by motivation, appreciation, reprimand, and interaction that creates a comfortable atmosphere for students. Suggestions for future research include repeating the application of Kahoot!-assisted GBL, exploring the use of other <em>games</em> and applying them to different grade levels</p> Ayu Agustina Pardede Tanti Listiani Copyright (c) 2024 Ayu Pardede, Tanti Listiani 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 9 4 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.649 Stundets’ Generalization on Functional Thinking: A Study of Three-Dimensional Cognitive Style <p>This study is a descriptive qualitative study that aims to explore junior high school students’ generalization on functional thinking viewed from students’ differences on cognitive style, verbalizer, spatial visualizer and object visualizer. The subjects of this study were three male students, ages 14-15 years old, on East Java Indonesia. The Object-Spatial Imagery and Verbal Questionnaire (OSIVQ) were used to get the data of students’ cognitive style. This study used in-depth interviews using a pattern task and an interview guide. Time triangulation used for internal validity. The process of analyzing the data consists of data condensation, presentation of data and drawing conclusions. This study found that students with cognitive styles differences have different strategies in making generalization on functional thinking. The strategies used are counting from a drawing, whole-object strategies, and functional strategies. This study further examined how these three students came up with the strategies and what the mathematics expression used of configuration. The results of this research show the importance of identifying students' cognitive styles before studying mathematics so that teachers can provide appropriate treatment and scaffolding so that students can achieve their learning goals optimally.</p> Fatimatul Khikmiyah Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono Agung Lukito Copyright (c) 2024 Fatimatul Khikmiyah, Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono, Agung Lukito 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 9 4 1089 1106 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.668 Analysis of Learning Motivation and Self-Confidence in Mathematics Learning Among Elementary School Students in Bogor Regency <p>Learning motivation and self-confidence are crucial qualities that students must possess as they serve as capital for effective learning, particularly in Mathematics. This research aims to analyze the learning motivation and self-confidence of Elementary School students in Mathematics. The research population includes 54 individuals, comprising fourth and sixth-grade students of SDN Tegal 02, Kemang District, Bogor Regency. This research employed a descriptive quantitative approach and used a questionnaire as the research instrument. Descriptive quantitative analysis was conducted for data analysis. The results indicate that the learning motivation and self-confidence of SDN Tegal 02 students in mathematics fall within the moderate criteria, with 50% for learning motivation and 87% for self-confidence. In terms of learning motivation, the only moderate indicator is a conducive learning environment, with a percentage of 62.96%. Regarding self-confidence, five out of six indicators are in the moderate criteria, particularly in independence, with a percentage of 81.5%. These indicators highlight the significance of the teacher's role in creating a conducive learning environment and using appropriate models to enhance students' learning motivation and self-confidence in mathematics education. In SDN Tegal 02, Bogor Regency, female students tend to have higher motivation and confidence than male students. However, both male and female students with high motivation levels also exhibit high self-confidence, as do those with moderate and low motivation levels.</p> Mega Fathunnisa Wahyudin Wahyudin Copyright (c) 2024 Mega Fathunnisa, Wahyudin Wahyudin 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 9 4 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.576 Students’ Interest in Learning Mathematics through Aquascape Project-Based Learning at Vocational High School <p>The low interest in learning mathematics for vocational students is still a problem in the world of education. The orientation of vocational education emphasizes the application of knowledge in practical and real contexts. Therefore, the relevance of each subject to the competence of students’ expertise is important. This study aims to determine the interest in learning mathematics of grade X APAT students at SMK PPN Tanjungsari in aquascape project-based learning. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. Data was collected through observation sheets, student interest questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was conducted using the average percentage of student learning interest. The results showed that students' interest in learning mathematics in aquascape project-based learning reached a high level, which was 67.32%. These results can make a positive contribution to learning practices and provide a foundation for further research in the fields of mathematics, science, and Landscaping and Gardening. The implications of these results could be the basis for the development of more effective and interest-oriented learning strategies for subsequent students.</p> M. Nuur'aini Sholihat Widya Dwiyanti Copyright (c) 2024 M. Nuur'aini Sholihat, Widya Dwiyanti 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 9 4 969 987 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.585 Application of The Discovery Learning Model with Process Differentiation to Improve Junior High School Students' Mathematics Learning Outcomes <p>The aim of this research was to improve mathematics learning outcomes of class VIII A students at SMPN 14 Denpasar through the application of discovery learning with process differentiation. This type of research was classroom action research with two cycles. The research subjects were 42 students. Student’s mathematics learning outcomes data were obtained using mathematics learning outcomes tests. The collected data was analysed descriptively. The results showed that the percentage of students with mathematics learning outcomes in the complete category increased in each cycle. The success criteria were that the average student mathematics learning outcome score in each cycle increased, where the average student mathematics learning outcome was at least 80 and student’s classical learning completeness was at least 75%. Subsequently, the improvement results from each cycle could be said optimal. It could be conluded that the application of the discovery learning model with process differentiation could improve junior high school students' mathematics learning outcomes.</p> I Wayan Rizki Lucky Pratama I Wayan Widana I Made Sudiarta Copyright (c) 2024 I Wayan Rizki Lucky Pratama, I Wayan Widana, I Made Sudiarta 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 9 4 989 1005 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.632 Stability Analysis of SIR Mathematics Model in Shopeepay Later Addiction Case <p>This research discusses the case of Shopeepay Later addiction using the SIR mathematics model. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to build, analyze and find out the basic reproduction number (????<sub>0</sub>) and simulation of the SIR model of Shopeepay Later addiction. The research begins by building the assumptions of the SIR model of Shopeepay Later addiction, finding the equilibrium point, analyzing the stability of the equilibrium point using the jacobian matrix, finding the basic reproduction number (????<sub>0</sub>), and doing a simulation using Google Colab. The parameters used in this SIR model include the transmission rate parameter (????), the recovery rate parameter (????) the self-control parameter (????<sub>1</sub>), the promotion parameter (????<sub>2</sub>), and the application stop parameter (????<sub>3</sub>). The result of this study obtained the SIR model of Shopeepay Later addiction, one endemic equilibrium point is stable and the basic reproduction number ????<sub>0</sub> = −37,29 that is, there is no transmission. Then to get expected conditions from the simulation result, namely given parameter values ???? = 0.5, ???? = 0.4, and ????<sub>1</sub>, ????<sub>2</sub>, ????<sub>3 </sub>= 0.9.</p> Choirul Basir Anca Almira Salma Usep Rahmat Copyright (c) 2024 Choirul Basir, Anca Almira Salma, Usep Rahmat 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 9 4 1007 1018 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.634 The Irreducible Unitary Representation of SU(2) and Its Lie algebra Representations <p>We study the three dimensional special unitary group whose the Lie algebra is given by . The research aims to construct a representation of and realized on the inner product space of all homogeneous polinomials of degree and of all homogeneous polinomials of degree which satisfying irreducibility and unitarity conditions. Namely, The action of and are presented on the spaces and respectively. In the first step, we computed all representations of on and . Furthermore, in the second step, by simply connectedness property of then the irreducible unitary representation of Lie algebra realized on can be obtained from the representation by using derived representation. The results showed the explicit formulas of representations of and</p> Edi Kurniadi Badrulfalah Badrulfalah Nurul Gusriani Copyright (c) 2024 Edi Kurniadi, Badrulfalah Badrulfalah, Nurul Gusriani 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 9 4 1039 1049 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.653 Optimization Of Minimum Consumption Durations For Stunting Toddler In An Effort To Overcome Stunting Using Linear Program <p>Stunting is a serious problem in Indonesia. One of the factors that there are still many stunted toddlers in Tlogosari village, Sumbermalang, Situbondo, is the lack of knowledge in the community, especially teenagers, about the importance of maintaining a balanced nutritional diet and the old-fashioned way of thinking about wanting to get their daughters married immediately. This research activity aims to overcome and reduce the problem of stunting in Tlogosari village, Sumbermalang, Situbondo. By holding socialization regarding balanced nutrition and making processed Arema foods such as spinach, Moringa leaves and peanuts, it is hoped that this can be a solution for the samples in this study, namely toddlers aged 1-2 years. From research using linear programming calculations, with the brach and bound method, it was obtained that P1 (Arem-arem spinach) = 1, P2 (Arem-arem moringa) = 1, P3 (Arem areem peanuts) = 1 with the duration that stunted toddlers need to To overcome this problem, it was found that it takes 74 days for a stunted toddler to consume 1 spinach fruit, 1 moringa fruit and 1 peanut tree every day to avoid the problem of stunting.</p> Nur Hasanah Ida Fitriana Ambarsari Tri Astindari Nuryami Nuryami Virotun Nisaul Fadia Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Hasanah Ana, Ida Fitriana Ambarsari, Tri Astindari, Nuryami Nuryami, Virotun Nisaul Fadia 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 9 4 1051 1062 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.657 Application Of The Adams Bashforth-Moulton Method To Coffee Production Quantity Approach <p>Coffee is a type of plantation plant that has long been cultivated so that it has high economic value. Therefore, the authors are interested in approximating the amount of coffee production using the Adams Basforth Moulton method. The Adams Bashforth Moulton method is a way of finding a numerical solution at a certain point of a non-linear differential equation with a known initial value. The differential equation is first solved using the fourth-order Runge Kutta method to obtain four initial solutions which are then substituted into the fourth order Adams Bashforth predictor equation. Furthermore, the approximation value is corrected using the fourth-order Adams Moulton corrector equation. If the relative error is less than the stopping criterion , then the iteration is stopped. The iterations are performed 25 times with an interval of [0,25]. The results of the approximation using the Adams Bashforth Moulton method on the Verhults equation in the approximation show that every year the amount of production increases. The results of the total coffee production in Aceh Province in 2022 will reach 71468 tons and in 2023 it will reach 72966 tons and in 2024 it will reach 74465 tons.</p> Tantri Tarisma Fazrina Saumi Ulya Nabilla Copyright (c) 2024 Tantri Tarisma, Fazrina Saumi, Ulya Nabilla 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 9 4 1063 1071 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.660 Product Cordial Labeling Of Scale Graph S_{1,r}\left(C_3\right) For r\geq3 <p>Graph theory plays a crucial role in various fields, including communication systems, computer networks, and integrated circuit design. One important aspect of this theory is product cordial labeling, which involves assigning labels to the vertices and edges of a graph in a specific way to achieve a balance. Despite extensive research, the product cordial labeling of scale graphs has not been thoroughly explored. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating whether the scale graph can be labeled in a product cordial manner. To achieve this, we followed a three-step methodology: first, we identified the vertices and edge notations of the scale graph ; second, we assigned binary labels (0 and 1) to each vertex and edge to identify a pattern; and third, we proved that this pattern meets the criteria for product cordial labeling. Our findings reveal that the scale graph does indeed support product cordial labeling, thus confirming it as a product cordial graph. This research not only advances our understanding of graph labeling but also provides practical insights that can be applied to optimize network structures and address complex problems in science and engineering.Graph theory plays a crucial role in various fields, including communication systems, computer networks, and integrated circuit design. One important aspect of this theory is product cordial labeling, which involves assigning labels to the vertices and edges of a graph in a specific way to achieve a balance. Despite extensive research, the product cordial labeling of scale graphs has not been thoroughly explored. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating whether the scale graph can be labeled in a product cordial manner. To achieve this, we followed a three-step methodology: first, we identified the vertices and edge notations of the scale graph ; second, we assigned binary labels (0 and 1) to each vertex and edge to identify a pattern; and third, we proved that this pattern meets the criteria for product cordial labeling. Our findings reveal that the scale graph does indeed support product cordial labeling, thus confirming it as a product cordial graph. This research not only advances our understanding of graph labeling but also provides practical insights that can be applied to optimize network structures and address complex problems in science and engineering.</p> Yanne Irene Winda Ayu Mei Lestari Mahmudi Mahmudi Muhammad Manaqib Gustina Elfiyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Gustina Elfiyanti, Yanne Irene, Winda Ayu Mei Lestari, Mahmudi Mahmudi, Muhammad Manaqib 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 9 4 1073 1087 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.662 The Impact of Macromedia Flash Utilization in Cone Material on Class IX Students' Conceptual Comprehension <p>This research seeks to ascertain the impact of Macromedia Flash on the conceptual comprehension of ninth-grade students at SMP Negeri 5 Pagaralam regarding cone content. This research employs an experimental design utilizing a Pre-test - Post-test control group methodology. The research utilized observation sheets and essay-format test question sheets as instruments. This study included 29 students who engaged with Macromedia Flash media and 30 students who received conventional instruction. Data gathering methods are conducted by observation and testing. The research findings demonstrate that students utilizing Macromedia Flash learning media exhibit a superior comprehension of topics compared to those engaged in traditional learning methods. The average percentage score for concept understanding indicators was 83.28 in the experimental class and 67.07 in the control class. The experimental class surpasses the control class. Consequently, the utilization of Macromedia Flash affects pupils' comprehension of topics.</p> Nova Aswita Widiawati Widiawati Indah Widyaningrum Copyright (c) 2024 Nova Aswita, Widiawati Widiawati, Indah Widyaningrum 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 9 4 1107 1117 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.683 Exploration Of Computational Thinking Skills Of Junior High School Student In Term Of FI And FD Cognitive Style <p>The purpose of this study is to investigate the computational thinking skills of junior high school students in terms of FI and FD cognitive styles on materials with numerical patterns. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive. The subjects of the study were 57 students from class VIII at one of the public junior high schools in Jepara. The data collection instruments used are computational thinking test questions, GEFT tests, and interviews. Researchers adopted three questions from the Pusmendik Kemdikbud class VIII to test students' computational thinking skills. All questions were validated by three mathematics education experts and tested on 5 grade VIII students before being used. In this study, four components of computational thinking: abstraction, pattern recognition, algorithmic thinking, and generalization were used to analyze students' computational thinking skills. This study focused on exploratory examination of pupils’ computational thinking with high categories, researchers selected 3 students on FI cognitive style and 2 students on FD cognitive style. The results showed that students with a FI cognitive style were able to meet all indicators of computational thinking namely abstraction, pattern recognition, algorithmic thinking, and decomposition. In contrast, students with FD cognitive styles are able to meet three indicators of computational thinking: abstraction, pattern recognition and generalization. Thus, it may be said that the ability to think computationally is related to the cognitive style of students.</p> Merrina Uswatun Hasanah Masduki Masduki Copyright (c) 2024 Merrina Uswatun Hasanah, Masduki Masduki 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 9 4 1119 1138 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.695 Development Of Bilingual Getrans Teaching Aids To Understand Geometry Transformation Material <p>This research aims to develop bilingual getrans teaching aids that can be used to visualise the concept of geometry transformation. The urgency of this research lies in the effort to facilitate students' understanding of abstract concepts in geometric transformations where the development of getrans teaching aids allows students to learn actively, involving physical and visual, which is believed to improve understanding and retention of concepts. Utilizing the 4D model, the Research and Development (R&amp;D) approach is applied. The four phases of the 4D development model are defined, designed, developed, and disseminated. The findings showed that students had trouble grasping the idea of geometric transformation at the define stage. At the design stage, preparation for the development of bilingual getrans teaching aids was carried out. At the development stage, getrans props were made as well as validation of video results by experts and limited trials to students. Then at the dissemination stage, the revised video results were disseminated based on expert advice. The conclusion of this research is that bilingual getrans teaching aids can be used for learning mathematics which students can better understand changes in position, rotation, reflection, or dilation of objects in geometry with better.</p> Rini Utami Nurina Hidayah Muhammad Fajru Sidqi Sigit Kuncoro Copyright (c) 2024 Rini Utami, Nurina Hidayah, Muhammad Fajru Sidqi, Sigit Kuncoro 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 9 4 1139 1151 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.696 Assessing Student Characteristics With The Right Instruments: An Important Pathway To Implementing A Merdeka Curriculum In Indonesia <p>The implementation of Indonesia's Merdeka Curriculum necessitates a comprehensive understanding of student characteristics to support personalized learning experiences. This study explores the evaluation of student characteristics, assessment instruments, and their application in improving the learning process within the Merdeka Curriculum framework.To examine the evaluation of student characteristics, various assessment instruments, factors influencing instrument selection and application, and the benefits of evaluations in enhancing the learning process. This qualitative study employs a systematic literature review. The research steps include: 1) Collecting relevant literature from academic databases, focusing on journal articles, books, and government regulations related to the Merdeka Curriculum and student assessment; 2) Analyzing collected materials using content analysis techniques; 3) Synthesizing key themes and findings; 4) Validating results through data source triangulation and peer review. The study identifies key student characteristics for assessment, including cognitive abilities, learning readiness, motivation, learning styles, self-regulation, and social-emotional skills. Various assessment instruments are discussed, such as standardized tests, evaluation scales, performance-based assessments, interviews, and observations. Factors influencing instrument selection include assessment goals, student characteristics, and available resources. The benefits of student characteristic evaluations include informing adaptive instruction, providing targeted support, and monitoring student progress. Effective evaluation of student characteristics is crucial for implementing the Merdeka Curriculum and supporting student-centered learning in Indonesia. The study emphasizes the need for a shift towards process-oriented assessment and highlights the importance of collaboration among educational stakeholders to create an inclusive learning environment.</p> Elfitra Elfitra Dian Armanto Izwita Dewi Copyright (c) 2024 Elfitra Elfitra; Dian Armanto, Izwita Dewi 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 9 4 1153 1168 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.703 Exploring Elementary School Student's Computational Thinking In Terms Of Cognitive Style <p>Mathematics learning in the independent curriculum emphasizes the pedagogical dimension which aims to create active students so that they are able to develop their thinking patterns and get them used to finding solutions to their own problems. This study uses qualitative methods to investigate elementary school students' abilities through computational thinking, focusing on the cognitive styles of Field Independence (FI) and Field Dependence (FD). The subjects in this study amounted to 14 fifth grade students of public elementary schools in Klaten Regency, Central Java Province. Researchers used data collection instruments in the form of test, learning style questionnaires and interviews. The number of test compiled consisted of 5 items. Before use, the test were validated by 3 mathematics education experts and tested on 5 fifth grade students. After validation and testing, the test that can be used consist of 3 test. Based on the results of tests and learning style questionnaires, research took one of the students' test results with a Field Independent learning style and 1 student with a Field Dependent learning style. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the computational thinking process of the two subjects in solving problems. At the abstraction stage, FI students are able to answer important factors that need to be considered in making conclusions, FI students are also able to explain alternative solutions to the problems given appropriately. Meanwhile, FD students tend to work directly so they tend to experience errors at the pattern recognition, algorithm thinking and generalization stages. Thus, it can be concluded that students with a field independent cognitive style are more active in using computational thinking processes than students with a field dependent cognitive style.</p> Bambang Adi Suwarno Masduki Masduki Copyright (c) 2024 Bambang Adi Suwarno, Masduki Masduki 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 9 4 1169 1185 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.705 Critical Thinking Abilities Students Solving Social Arithmetic Numeracy Problems Based On Initial Mathematics Proficiency <p>This study aims to present the results of the analysis of critical thinking skills of students with low, medium, and high initial abilities in solving social arithmetic numeracy problems and to determine the critical thinking skills of students in each critical thinking indikator. Critical thinking ability is an important skill that students must have to evaluate information, make rational decisions, and solve problems effectively. Students trained in critical thinking have the ability to face problems, examine them, and find appropriate solutions. This research is qualitative research with descriptive qualitative method. The research subjects were seventh grade junior high school students in Surakarta. Data were colleccted through written tests, student interviews, and observations. The results and conclusion of this study indicate that students’mathematical critical thonking skills on social arithmetics material in terms of initial ability are still relatively low, from the results of the analysis based on the four critical thinking indicators that are the reference in this study students tend not to be able to fulfill the four critical thinking indicators.</p> Hardita Arum Pramesti Christina Kartika Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Hardita Arum Pramesti, Christina Kartika Sari 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 9 4 1187 1200 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.710 The Effect Of The Use Of Online Geogebra Learning Media And Learning Style Categories On The Mathematical Communication Skills Of Junior High School Students <p>This research aimed at testing, 1) whether there was a difference in mathematical communication skills of students in classes using Online GeoGebra and those not using Online GeoGebra; 2) whether there were differences in mathematical communication skills in terms of learning styles; 3) whether there was an interaction effect on students using Online GeoGebra and those not using Online GeoGebra and learning styles This research used a quasi-experimental design research method with a post-test only research design. The population of this research consisted of 8<sup>th</sup>-grade students with a total of 4 classes from of one of the Integrated Islamic Junior High Schools in Bekasi City. There were two groups for this research-the experimental group and the control group. The sample used consisted of two classes: one as The control class consisted 23 students and the other as the experimental class consisted 27 students. This research used two instruments: a questionnaire on learning styles and a test related to mathematical communication skills. Data analysis test using two-way ANOVA and Scheffe's multiple comparison test. The results of the research showed that, 1) there was a difference in mathematical communication abilities in classes using Online GeoGebra and those not using Online GeoGebra; 2) there were no differences in mathematical communication abilities in terms of learning styles; 3) there was an interaction between treatment and learning style on mathematical communication skills.</p> Alya Khansa Syahidah Asih Miatun Copyright (c) 2024 Alya Khansa Syahidah, Asih Miatun 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 9 4 1201 1217 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.712 Understanding The Concept Of Pythagoras In Junior High School Students Using PMRI <p>This research aims to determine students' conceptual understanding using the PMRI learning approach with the context of cotton rope in the Pythagorean theorem material on students' conceptual understanding in class VIII SMP NEGERI 2 Pagaralam. The obstacle faced by students in studying the Pythagorean Theorem is a lack of understanding of the basic concepts in the Pythagorean theorem material. One method that can strengthen understanding of concepts in learning mathematics is Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI). The research method used was experimental using a control group Pre-test - Post-test design. This research involved 2 classes, namely the experimental and control classes. Data collection techniques include observation and tests, the analysis techniques used are documentation, observation and tests. Based on test data analysis, the average student score in the experimental class was 78.8, while the control class had a score of 72.50. From the research results, students' conceptual understanding was found to be better using PMRI with comparison results in the experimental class being better than in the control class.</p> Sinta Ariani Indah Widyaningrum Chika Rahayu Copyright (c) 2024 Sinta Ariani, Indah Widyaningrum, Chika Rahayu 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 9 4 1219 1235 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.713 Analysis of Contextual Problem Solving Ability of Three-Variable Linear Equation System Material Given Mathematical Disposition <p>This research aims to analyze students' difficulties related to mathematical dispositions and measure students' abilities in solving problems related to three-variable linear equation systems based on mathematical dispositions. Descriptive analysis methods are used in this qualitative research. All X-G students were given a mathematical disposition survey as part of the data collection process for this research. Three students were selected from each mathematical disposition category to take a test of their contextual problem-solving skills. Based on the results of the research, there were three groups of students in class X-G SMAN 1 TOROH, namely 3 students with high mathematics dispositions, 14 students with medium mathematics dispositions, and 16 students with low mathematics dispositions. Based on the analysis of answers and discussions, students with strong mathematical skills have excellent problem-solving skills because they meet three problem-solving indicators, namely making a problem-solving plan, implementing a problem-solving plan, and evaluating problems. Students have difficulty in the indicator of understanding problems because they are not used to writing what they know and what is asked. Students with a moderate mathematical disposition meet two indicators of problem-solving, namely creating and implementing a problem-solving plan, so they are in the moderate category in terms of problem-solving. Students with moderate mathematical dispositions also have difficulty writing the conclusion of the problem. Because students with low mathematical dispositions only fulfill one indicator, namely evaluating the problem, these students have problem-solving skills in the low category. In addition, students with low mathematical dispositions had difficulty in applying the formula.</p> Khoirina Ismiranda Adi Nurcahyo Nida Sri Utami Copyright (c) 2024 Khoirina Ismiranda, Adi Nurcahyo, Nida Sri Utami 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 9 4 1237 1253 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.720 Development Of Mathematics Learning Media Smart Snakes and Ladder Statistics (UTAPTIK) In Primary School Statistics Materials <p>Learning media is an important element in the learning process, functioning as a valuable instrument for transmitting knowledge. The learning media used in education must be appropriate to the needs and characteristics of students. In class 6 at SDN Pasirangin 05 the majority of students are actively involved in the learning process. Therefore, it is very appropriate to utilize learning media that fosters innovation, fun, and increases students' understanding of the subject matter. The objectives of this research are: (1) Designing and constructing UTAPTIK learning teaching materials. (2) What is the level of validity of the UTAPTIK media used in learning mathematical statistics concepts? (3) Knowing students' responses to UTAPTIK game media. Researchers used Research and Development methodology to conduct research. This research methodology uses the ADDIE development paradigm, namely the Analyze, Design, Development, Implement and Evaluate stages. This research uses data collection methodology such as filling out questionnaires, making observations, and documenting findings. This research resulted in the development of UTAPTIK learning media which consists of several components such as a game arena, dice, game guide book, and statistics cards. The results of this research are UTAPTIK products with product validation results showing very valid criteria determined by a score of 97% from material expert validators. In addition, the criteria were considered valid with a score of 76% from media expert validators. The validation results by material expert validators and media expert validators are classified as very valid so that the media can be tested. The student questionnaire obtained a score of 94% in the very valid category. The smart statistical snakes and ladders game media (UTAPTIK) is classified as very valid and worthy of being integrated into the learning process of class VI students.</p> Lutfiah Heriyanti Khavisa Pranata Copyright (c) 2024 Lutfiah Heriyanti, Khavisa Pranata 2024-12-02 2024-12-02 9 4 1255 1266 10.31943/mathline.v9i4.721