Exploring The Student’s Problem-Solving Skills In Missouri Mathematic Project Learning From The Self-Regulated Learning In Statistics Material


  • Abdul Karim Pesantren Modern Attaqwa Bogor - Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Lukita Ambarwati Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Tian Abdul Aziz Universitas Negeri Jakarta




Exploration, Misssouri Mathematics Project, Self-Regulated Learning, KPM


Education is the heart of the world. Exploration activities demonstrate students' mathematical problem-solving skills. Research purposes; The first, Identification learning outcomes by describing high, medium, and low Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) problem-solving abilities through the Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP). The second is to find out if the MMP model has a role in achieving classical mastery in its ability to solve mathematical problems the average value is it purpose achieved ≥ 80 in 75% of all samples. Mixed method, concurrent embedded design. A total of 75 students of the 8th grade of the SMP Pesantren Attaqwa Bogor in 2022-2023. Data from Problem-solving skills tests, SRL questionnaires, and interviews. Include 6 subjects; two high SRL students, two medium SRL students, and two low SRL students are picked from the 75 SRL-enrolled students. The teacher of the topic to be questioned in this study choose which students to interview. The research results show that: First, Students with high SRL are able to master the 4 components of Polya problem solving; medium SRL students are still able to understand the problem, make a settlement plan, carry out the settlement plan but are less able to re-examine the work; low SRL students are able to understand the problem but are less able to make a settlement plan, carry out the completion plan and re-check the work. Secondly, the KPM of statistical material students in the MMP model exceeded the mastery learning average score of ≥ 80 in 75% of class VIII students.


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How to Cite

Karim, A., Ambarwati, L. ., & Aziz, T. A. . (2023). Exploring The Student’s Problem-Solving Skills In Missouri Mathematic Project Learning From The Self-Regulated Learning In Statistics Material. Mathline : Jurnal Matematika Dan Pendidikan Matematika, 8(3), 1149–1168. https://doi.org/10.31943/mathline.v8i3.485